COVID Safe Plan Summary

COVID Safe Plan Summary

Some key points of the COVID Safe Plan are summarised here for ease of reference to support your decision making when you need. Please see the practice information sheet for the full COVID Safe Plan for in-person appointments.

I want you to have the option of in-person appointments as much as possible.

As an ethical responsibility, my COVID Safe Plan aims to reduce COVID-19 exposure risk in the practice, which can otherwise stop in-person sessions.

COVID-19 Events.

With COVID-19 in community transmission, it is likely that at times you or I will be physically well but unable to attend in person because of a COVID-19 event. This is when you, I, or someone we have had close contact with:

  • is required to lockdown, quarantine, or isolate (including awaiting a COVID test result);
  • have been in contact with a COVID-positive case in the 5 days prior to your appointment;
  • have cold/flu/COVID-19 symptoms, in the 5 days prior to your appointment;
  • another circumstance in the 5 days prior to your appointment that elevates your risk of developing or transmitting COVID-19 (e.g., returning from travel).

If one of the above COVID-19 events applies, then:

  • Please ask that we convert to telehealth.
  • Or please cancel if you are too sick to attend, giving as much notice as possible so others in need have more opportunity to book.
  • During a COVID-19 event please do not attend the building.
  • Please call with any queries, and we can discuss the best approach in each circumstance.

Your health risks regarding COVID-19.

In living with COVID-19 in community transmission in WA,

  • I am mindful that many clients have COVID-19 vulnerabilities, and we all have people in our networks whose health is at greater risk due to COVID-19.

Please let me know if you have a known circumstance that places your health (or that of someone you have close contact with) at greater risk from COVID-19:

  • e.g., being unvaccinated, over 70, currently/recently pregnant, immunocompromised, smoking, or have certain health conditions or other risk factors; please consult your GP and also see here.


My practice offers in-person appointments where possible, and telehealth (video) appointments when required for health and safety (e.g., COVID-19 events relating to staff, clients, and people they live with or have had close contact with). Please book appointment times that can work if a telehealth conversion is needed.

  • If a telehealth session conversion is required, I will send you a revised Halaxy reminder (by SMS or email) for a video appointment.

Behavioural approaches.

  • Behavioural approaches used as required include wearing masks, ventilation, physical distancing, contact hygiene, and cleaning/disinfecting.
  • Masks are optional for clients when government mandates do not apply. In the interest of COVID safety, I may at times wear a mask when consulting in person.

Informed decision making and consent.

I work in a building shared by a small group of psychologists who run their own practices.

  • As with any public space, there is a risk of COVID-19 transmission.
  • If you are concerned about the risk of COVID-19 by attending in person, please advise me before you attend in person, and we can use telehealth if appropriate or discuss other services.